Science & environment

By AG STAFF 19 May 2016
Reading Time: 7 Minutes Print this page
From Australia’s unique animals to outer space adventures, find science and environmental resources for students in kindergarten and up here!

Rocks and Fossils
Unearth the mysteries of the rocks that form the world around us, and the fossils that tell us the history of our planet! The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.

Rocks and Fossils



The world of minibeasts is bigger than we think! From the worms on the ground, to the insects in the air and the jellyfish in the sea – minibeasts are all around us!The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.


Life Cycles
Some mothers lay eggs, and some give birth to live young. Some animals are ready to leave the nest straight away, and others stay with the family. Come along as we learn all about the different life cycles!The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.


Australia’s oceans are deep, filled with interesting creatures and amazing stories. Get your goggles on, we’re going swimming!The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.



Animal Families
Discover all there is to know about Australia’s animals and their families! The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.

Animal Families


Some fly, some swim and some run really fast. Australia’s birds come in all kinds of colours, shapes and sizes. Meet them inside! The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.



Animal Homes
Deep in the ocean or high up in the trees, in parched deserts, swamps and lakes and even in tiny holes in the ground, see where Australia’s many animals are hiding! The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.

Animal Homes


Learn about planets, galaxies, space missions, moons and the sun in this exciting journey through our universe. The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.



From mighty and ferocious carnivores to gentle giants, discover Australia’s unique dinosaurs! The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.



Uncover what makes these little guys tick and explore their natural habitats. The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.



Learn about Australia’s world of venomous snakes plus discover lizards, turtles and crocodiles! The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.



Discover the wild, wonderful and unique creatures that call Australia home. The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.


Sea Creatures
Dive into this water wonderland to learn all about Australia’s fascinating sea creatures. The All About Australia series is perfect for students in kindergarten and up. See more titles in this series.



Explorers: Robots

How do robots work? Will robots be as intelligent as humans one day? Come along with the Australian Geographic team as we tackle these questions and more. Meet the largest robot in the world and others so small they could swim in your bloodstream! The Explorers series is a favourite for students Year 3 and up, see more titles in this series here.



Explorers: How Weather Works
From rainbows to cyclones, this book takes a close look at climate and the world’s weather. We investigate how we measure and predict the weather, look back at big weather events in our past (right back to the Ice Age!) and also provide a how-to for building your very own weather vane! The Explorers series is a favourite for students Year 3 and up, see more titles in this series here.

How Weather Works


Explorers: Rainforests of Australia
There are rainforests in almost every state and territory of Australia, ranging from tropical to temperate. Come along with us and we’ll learn how the rainforest ecosystem works as we visit some of our beautiful forests, meet some local wildlife and investigate how we’re protecting these areas for the future. The Explorers series is a favourite for students Year 3 and up, see more titles in this series here.

Rainforests of Australia

Explorers: National Parks
With more than 9700 national parks and conservation reserves, and 200 marine protected areas, Australia has one of the worlds best systems to protect our wild heritage. There are thousands of plants and animals to discover in our national parks, come with us as we visit some of these famous parks in this hard cover, educational book. Perfect for young explorers! The Explorers series is a favourite for students Year 3 and up, see more titles in this series here.

National Parks


Australia’s Most Dangerous Spiders
From big, hairy spiders and intricate, delicate spiders to pointy fangs and sticky webs – welcome to the world of Australia’s creepy crawly spiders! The Australia’s Most series is sure to inspire little readers- see more of this series here.

Australia's Most Dangerous Spiders


Australia’s Most Dangerous Snakes
Explore the secret world of snakes: they live under logs, in caves, in trees and even underwater! Inspect some astonishing photos of snakes getting ready to strike and catch their prey. How dangerous is snake venom? Find out about snakebites and how to help someone who has been bitten. Discover some of the amazing skills that snakes use in their hunt for food. The Australia’s Most series is sure to inspire little readers- see more of this series here.

Australia's Most Dangerous Snakes


Australia’s Most Dangerous Sharks
Discover what efficient hunters sharks are as they track down their prey using super-sharp senses. Learn how to recognise dangerous sharks, and some of the must unusual. Examine amazing close-ups of the great whit shark’s deadly teeth and discover what it likes to eat. Find out where sharks live in the ocean and how far they are capable of travelling in the constant search for food. The Australia’s Most series is sure to inspire little readers- see more of this series here.

Australia's Most Dangerous Sharks

Australia’s Most Freaky
Learn about some of Australia’s most intriguing and wonderfully weird animals. Explore these pages to discover the bizarre body shapes and colours, extraordinary lifestyles and amazing hunting techniques of our freaky creatures. The Australia’s Most series is sure to inspire little readers- see more of this series here.

Australia's Most Freaky


Australia’s Most Extreme
The creatures in this book are the superheroes of Australia’s animal world, beating all the records when it comes to size, speed, length, strength, intelligence and survival. What animal runs so fast it goes blind? Which sea creature has a tongue that weighs as much as an elephant? What insect carries a bomb in its rear end? Enter the world of Australia’s most extreme and prepare to be amazed! The Australia’s Most series is sure to inspire little readers- see more of this series here.

Australia's Most Extreme


Australia’s Most Deadly
If it seems like Australia has a lot of deadly creatures, that’s because we do! We’ve got the world’s most venomous snake; the deadliest jellyfish, spider and octopus; the biggest crocodile; and all of the shark species known to have attacked and killed people. The best way to co-exist with these animals is to know where they live, how they act, and how to perform first-aid if they attack. So jump into Australia’s Most Deadly and explore the lives of our killer creatures. The Australia’s Most series is sure to inspire little readers- see more of this series here.

Australia's Most Deadly