When a single cat wiped out an entire colony of fairy terns: Claire Greenwell

By AG STAFF 6 August 2020
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Talking Australia
When a single cat wiped out an entire colony of fairy terns: Claire Greenwell
Ecologist Claire Greenwell has dedicated her life to studying Western Australia’s fairy terns, an endangered seabird.

In 2019, Claire published her study which found that a single cat had wiped out an entire breeding colony in the town of Mandurah. The study went viral and highlighted the impact of both feral and pet cats on Australian wildlife.
This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Angela Heathcote (Digital Producer at Australian Geographic) and produced by Ben Kanthak (www.beachshackpodcasts.com).
You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic. Listen to the podcast on Apple here.

Related: A single cat wiped out an entire colony of fairy terns