VIDEO: The Glass House Mountains

By Nick Rains 24 February 2016
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Jutting out of an otherwise flat landscape, the Glass House Mountains are a standout feature right in Brisbane’s backyard.

ON THE HORIZON, Brisbane high-rises reflect the warm afternoon sun. To the east, Moreton Bay glistens, and to the north, holiday towers at Caloundra and Mooloolaba flank the beaches of the Sunshine Coast. The rural setting, ocean views, and city glimpses make for a picturesque scene, but even more striking is the chain of dramatic, jagged peaks rising from the forested plain. These steep-sided crags are the Glass House Mountains, remnants of ancient volcanoes. They stand sentinal over a unique region boardering Brisbane’s urban fringe.

Read the story behind – and see more stunning photos from – our Glass House Mountains assignment in the March/April 2016 (#131) print and online edition of Australian Geographic.