Fading into the sunset

By AG STAFF 14 November 2014
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In Port Stephens, New South Wales, a shipwreck slowly dissolves into the waves and fades from memory

This week’s reader photo was taken by Jodie in Port Stephens, New South Wales.

“This shot of the sunken Sygna was taken on Stockton Beach in my home town of Port Stephens a couple of months ago. The 53,000 tonne Norwegian vessel became stranded on her maiden voyage during a cyclonic storm on May 26 in 1974.

The deterioration has become very obvious over the last three years, and experts claim that it will only be a small number of years before she breaks up and falls out of sight, disappearing forever into the ocean. This will be a shame as I love to photograph the vessel which simply looks amazing in all conditions. Not long now until she is a piece of history,” she said.

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