Wedge-tailed eagle under attack

By AG STAFF 23 October 2015
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Pictured is one of five wedge-tailed eagles spotted by reader Scott Turner during an early morning photography session.

This week’s reader photo was taken by Scott Turner, from Wahroonga, NSW.

“I had an amazing morning when this photo was taken, braving the cold but managed to see five wedge-tailed eagles and photograph four of them. Luckily two of them flew directly over me, only metres away! This was one of the best shots I captured of one wedge-tail being dive-bombed by a magpie to leave his territory.

“Magpies are very brave and take on all the raptors that are within their area. I have seen up to six magpies harassing two wedge-tailed eagles, alternating between both of them. This particular shot was taken at almost-minimum focusing distance with no cropping. Canon 7D & 500mm F4 + 1.4xTCIII 1/800s @f5.6 ISO320,” he said.

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