Claws in the air: Spiny crayfish

By AG STAFF 6 November 2015
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AG reader Ryan Francis came across this endangered crayfish species (Euastacus fleckeri) on a recent trip to the tropics of Mount Lewis, QLD.

THIS WEEK’S reader photo was taken by Ryan Francis, in Mount Lewis, QLD.

“The red and blue spiny crayfish was a species that I really wanted to see on a recent trip to the tropics,” says Ryan. “I couldn’t believe my luck when I saw two walking along the creek bed at the first creek crossing.”

An ecologist with a passion for wildlife photography, Ryan says he enjoys the challenge of shooting “in-habitat” wildlife. 

“The crayfish was a great subject due to its instinct to go on the defensive and raise its claws as soon as I approached,” says Ryan.”Lighting the photo was difficult due to the dark rainforest, so I increased the ISO higher than I am normally comfortable with (ISO2500) and used two flashes to illuminate the crayfish and foreground.”

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