EVENT: Weird Dinosaurs book launch


John Pickrell


John Pickrell

John Pickrell is the editor of Australian Geographic. He is a science writer, author, nature lover and self-confessed geek. Blog posts range over Southern Hemisphere palaeontology, dinosaurs, megafauna, archaeology, palaeoanthropology and a smattering of other topics.
By John Pickrell 14 October 2016
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Enjoy an evening of thrilling dinosaur revelations with John Pickrell fossil enthusiast and editor of Australian Geographic.

COME TO SYDNEY’S 107 Projects for an evening of fascinating new dinosaur revelations with John Pickrell, editor of Australian Geographic and author of new book Weird Dinosaurs: The Strange New Fossils Challenging Everything We Thought We Knew.

This launch event will feature a public lecture about all the latest dinosaur science followed by drinks and canapes, a book signing and an opportunity to meet the author and the Australian Geographic editorial team.

Date: 17 November. 6:30pm (for 6:45pm start)
Venue: 107 Projects, 107 Redfern Street, Redfern, Sydney
Tickets: $30.00
Details and book: https://trybooking.com/NIHC

Weird Dinosaurs

We’re in a golden age of discovery – and the fossils coming to light show dinosaurs were stranger, bigger, scarier and more diverse than we ever imagined.

From outback Australia to the Gobi Desert and the savanna of Madagascar, award-winning science writer John Pickrell sets out on a world tour of new discoveries and meets the fossil hunters leading the charge. Discover the dwarf dinosaurs unearthed by an eccentric Transylvanian baron, an aquatic, crocodile-snouted carnivore bigger than T. rex, the Chinese dinosaur with wings like a bat, and a Patagonian sauropod so enormous it was heavier than two commercial jet airliners.

Why did dinosaurs grow so huge? Did they all have feathers? And what do sauropods have in common with 1950s vacuum cleaners? Weird Dinosaurs examines the latest breakthroughs and new technologies radically transforming our understanding of the distant past.

Weird Dinosaurs is published in Australia by NewSouth and in North America by Columbia University Press. Buy the book here.

John Pickrell is an award-winning journalist, the editor of Australian Geographic and the author of Flying Dinosaurs and Weird Dinosaurs. When he’s not writing or editing, he can be found leading AG fossil digs in the Australian outback or Mongolia’s Gobi Desert.

He has worked in London, Washington DC and Sydney for publications including New Scientist, Science, Science News and Cosmos. John’s articles can also be found online and in print at BBC Wildlife, National Geographic, Scientific American, Focus and the ABC.  He has been a finalist in the Australian Museum’s Eureka prizes three times, won an Earth Journalism Award and featured in The Best Australian Science Writing in 2011, 2014 and 2015.

John studied biology at Imperial College in the United Kingdom, and has a Master of Science in taxonomy and biodiversity from the Natural History Museum, London. Follow him on Twitter @john_pickrell and at www.flyingdinosaurs.net.