What happened to this polar bear?
The Ice Bear as Sea Bear by Martin Gregus. It’s part of the exhibition at the Australian National Maritime Museum, where the 57th Wildlife Photographer Exhibition is currently on show.
The Ice Bear as Sea Bear by Martin Gregus. It’s part of the exhibition at the Australian National Maritime Museum, where the 57th Wildlife Photographer Exhibition is currently on show.
Joel Orchard is a sustainable farmer with serious nouse. Mushies is where it is at. Let’s meet him.
The world’s sharks are in trouble. They need our help and their time is running out. Today there are more than 140 sharks on the endangered list. Over fishing (mainly for their fins) and climate change are putting many at critical risk. Explorers caught up with marine biologist Blake Chapman to separate truth from fiction…. View Article
For the last 60 years, Sir David Attenborough has devoted his life to documenting our incredible world, and all its amazing creatures and places. His latest project – A Life on Our Planet – with Netflix, is a moving first-hand witness statement by David. It details how very badly things are going right now for… View Article
Greta Thunberg has been an international voice for climate change since she was 15 (now 17) when she took her first stand for the planet. Since that time Greta has spoken in front of the UN, amassed a social following of 10 million and created a world-wide movement. We admire everything Greta says and does… View Article
Julius Nielsen is a marine biologist who studies the Greenland Shark – the world’s oldest type of shark.