
AG Society News

The AG Journey: Picture this

The Australian landscape has always inspired writers and artists with its diverse natural environments: old-growth forests, deserts, sun-drenched plains, bushland, oceans, dunes and islands skirted with pearl-hued beaches and richly-populated coral reefs.

It’s no wonder that many a photographer has headed out, camera and lenses in hand, to capture it in frames. Their stills, like the landscape…

AG Society News

The AG Journey: Picture of the future

As AG’s photo editor for the past ten years, I have witnessed enormous technological changes the digital age has brought to traditional magazines like the Australian Geographic journal.

I’m often asked about the future and relevance of…

AG Society News

The AG Society Blog: Science IS an adventure

In August the AG Society will take part in the biggest Science Week event for school kids in Australia. Science in the City at the Australian Museum aims to promote science in new and exciting ways to thousands of school kids from primary to high school.

And have we got a surprise for them!

AG Society News

The AG Society Blog: Quoll questioning

When Australian Geographic readers ask questions, we do our best to provide the answer.

If you take a look at our appeal for the spotted quoll article, you will see a very interesting question from an avid reader, iheartquolls, who asks…

AG Society News

The AG Journey: The art of mapping

…these two definitions describe my work as an Australian Geographic cartographer very well. Independent of a story, maps frequently play a part in providing unique information and visual explanation to a topic of interest.

AG Society News

Pedal to the medal

Searching through the pictures from the AG Awards I find myself realising just how much fun I missed out on while running around behind the scenes.

The night was a fantastic success with people from all walks of life…