New subspecies of red-tailed black cockatoo discovered
The new subspecies of red-tailed cockatoo, previously thought to be a part of the inland subspecies, was discovered by scientists after a decade-long search.
The new subspecies of red-tailed cockatoo, previously thought to be a part of the inland subspecies, was discovered by scientists after a decade-long search.
Meet the snap-happy pademelon.
A study conducted with a large international team suggests hunting is a likely key threat to migrating birds.
The genetically distinct glossy black cockatoos of Kangaroo Island are in a precarious place following the 2019/2020 bushfires, but things are slowly looking up.
This extremely rare image of a Kangaroo Island dunnart was captured on a DSLR camera trap system that took seven nights to achieve – adjusting focus, lighting and camera positions to target the animal’s regular movements.
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Meet the jacanas, a family of wading birds that are spread across Asia, Africa, South and Central America, and Australia.