Photographer captures rare, close-up image of elusive scaly-tailed possum
Photographer Matt Clancy was lucky enough to get up close and personal with the typically shy, scaly-tailed possum.
Photographer Matt Clancy was lucky enough to get up close and personal with the typically shy, scaly-tailed possum.
The chihuahua of the Australian desert, the ningaui will mess you up if you so much as look at it the wrong way.
This category asked for photographs of landscape or seascape with minimal evidence of human settlement or interference. These photos will be exhibited at the South Australian Museum in Adelaide from Friday 28 August until Sunday 15 November 2020.
These photographs reveal the human impact on nature – be it terrestrial, marine or atmospheric. The impact could be either positive or negative. These photos will be exhibited at the South Australian Museum in Adelaide from Friday 28 August until Sunday 15 November 2020.
Photos entered in the Botanical category could be habitat or portrait shots. This shortlist is testament to the gorgeous array of landscapes and plant life that surrounds us. These photos will be exhibited at the South Australian Museum in Adelaide from Friday 28 August until Sunday 15 November 2020.
The long-forgotten remains of a giant wombat-like animal that roamed Australia 25 million years ago has revealed an all new family of ancient marsupials.
After Queensland’s drought-breaking rain earlier this year, scientists surveyed private farmland and found many dried-out woodlands transformed into flower-filled landscapes.
You may not know marine scientist Loisette Marsh, but she’s responsible for our detailed understanding of the marine creatures inhabiting Western Australia’s coastline.
“You don’t see this everyday.”
This New Zealand wren is just adorable.