Wallaby seen swimming in Sydney Harbour rescued by ferry crew members

By AG Staff 2 February 2018
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Sydney has had its fair share of wallaby antics over the past month.

A SWAMP WALLABY found swimming in Sydney Harbour was rescued by crew members operating a Manly Fast Ferry yesterday night, just after 7 PM.

The crew was able to rope in the female swamp wallaby and bring her aboard the ship where she was then looked after by Jodi Lewis, a wildlife volunteer.

Jodi told Fairfax Media that the wallaby, who she has since named “Christine”, had some grazes on her foot and a small amount of water in her lungs, but is swiftly recovering.  

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(Image Credit: Manly Fast Ferry)

According to Fairfax, the wallaby could have spent up to an hour in the water after she was chased by a dog, leaving her distressed.

Jodi said, however, that the biggest threat was a possible collision with a boat, which was luckily avoided thanks to the crew’s quick thinking.

“When I saw them using the lasso thing I thought that was a really good idea. I suggested they try and grab her tail, which is how we are taught with the macropod rescue, that it would be the best way to manouevre her onto the boat and to safety,” she said.

This most recent incident comes just two weeks after the infamous swamp wallaby, nicknamed ‘Syd’, hopped his way along the Sydney Harbour Brdige during peak hour. 

The wallaby was eventually captured by three police officers and taken to Taronga Zoo for recovery and has since been released back into the wild.