News Bubble findings aid cell research …enabled the team to study the collisions at various speeds. Technology measures tiny force The outcome of the research was a new way to measure what happens when bubbles bounce…
News 'Boss crocs' rule complex social system …satellite tagging to record the location and movement of male and female estuarine crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) during the breeding and nesting season. Researchers say the findings, published recently in the…
News Bird-watchers use iPhones to track cockatoos …have already tracked 70 tagged cockatoos that frequent the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney, using an iPhone app called Wingtags. So far, over 5000 sightings of these noisy parrots have…
News Shark behaviour affected by full moon …Perth. Sharks affected by moon The sharks were tagged near Palau, east of the Philippines, and followed for two years. During this time, scientists from UWA and the Australian Institute…
News Birds a twitter: social networkers better off …Lucy says. Over one winter, Lucy and her colleagues observed the winter social network of tit birds tagged with electronic trackers at two particular feeding sites in woodlands near Oxfordshire….
Adventure Top 8 wilderness camping spots in Australia …once at the island, camping tags must be displayed at your site. Camp sites are available at Nina Bay, Little Ramsay Bay, Banksia Bay, Zoe Bay, Sunken Reef Bay, Mulligan…
Wildlife Cockatoos causing trouble in Blue Mountains …forced more cockatoos to move east to look for food. But we really know very little about these birds and so that’s why we are we are conducting more research.”…
News Volunteer divers wanted in the Coral Sea …says will help survey, tag and photograph diseased areas of the reef, which scientists will then monitor over time. For more information and to apply go to Earthwatch Institute Australia…
News Dingoes use tools to solve novel problems DINGOES ARE MUCH SMARTER than humans give them credit for, according to new research. While the native canines are known for their smarts in hunting skills, they are also able…
News Deep-sea mud source of '21st-century gold' …many other advanced technologies. These elements carry exotic names such as neodymium, promethium and yttrium but despite their ‘rare-earth’ tag are in fact abundant in the planet’s crust. The problem,…