Science & Environment Fatal shore: Why so many shark attacks? …key to understanding great white movements. Barry started attaching simple plastic identification tags to sharks in 1989, and more sophisticated ones, such as satellite tags, in 2000. Satellite tags transmit…
News Where the whale sharks are: New research reveals secrets of world’s biggest fish …to retrieve the tags. “Our tagging techniques in Cenderawasih Bay have been quite ground breaking,” says Abraham, who was in charge of the tagging process for all the Australian studies….
Wildlife Beetle baubles: Australia's stag beetles ABOUT 1400 species of stag beetle (family Lucanidae) have so far been scientifically described and named worldwide. Of these, 95 occur in Australia, including some of the most spectacular species….
Wildlife Tagging whale sharks in the Maldives …up the Maldives archipelago. On board are conservation biologists Richard Rees and Adam Harman from the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme and the tagging expert accompanying them, Brent Stewart, of…
Science & Environment March of the mud crabs …work.” Dr Meynecke published numerous papers on mud crabs, but didn’t do any further acoustic tracking studies and has since moved on to other research interests. Tagged female detected around…
News Radio-tagged bees take Tasmania by swarm IN A WORLD FIRST, a swarm of 5000 bees with tiny radio tags attached to them are being released in Tasmania. For the unusual project, launched last week, CSIRO scientists…
Wildlife Great white shark nursery …Within 10 minutes the shark Barry has caught for research purposes is released, now carrying two remarkable advances in tagging technology. The team has fixed a satellite tag to the…
News Native fish swims 800km to find a mate …CSIRO, the sharing of tagging information and use of smaller and more sophisticated acoustic tags will deepen our understanding of the movement of different species Australia-wide. “A lot of researchers…
On This Day On this day: The Ragtag Fleet is born …the war effort and refit old and disused ships. They called it Mission X, but locals quickly dubbed it ‘The Ragtag Fleet’. Gathering Mission X volunteers From Melbourne, MacArthur began…
Wildlife In pictures: the secret life of green turtles UP UNTIL RECENTLY, the movements of juvenile green turtles have been almost a total mystery. But since mid-2011 scientists have been using satellite tags to follow the movements of two…