Save the beautiful regent honeyeater

By AG Staff 30 August 2018
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One of our most stunning birds urgently needs your help. The regent honeyeater was once plentiful along Australia’s east coast from Brisbane to Adelaide. Now critically endangered, it’s disappeared from SA, is rarely spotted in Queensland and is clinging to survival in small areas of remnant woodland in NSW and Victoria. The main reason for… View Article

One of our most stunning birds urgently needs your help. The regent honeyeater was once plentiful along Australia’s east coast from Brisbane to Adelaide. Now critically endangered, it’s disappeared from SA, is rarely spotted in Queensland and is clinging to survival in small areas of remnant woodland in NSW and Victoria. The main reason for its decline is the clearing of its habitat. Eggs and chicks also suffer predation by other native birds and mammals, and the birds’ breeding is disturbed by harassment from noisy miners. Saving our Species is backing a project to locate and monitor these disappearing birds. Your generous donation will purchase vital radio tracking equipment to help survey remaining populations.