Help save the Mountain Pygmy Possum

By Australian Geographic 2 July 2020
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Make a difference. Please donate today. Funds raised will help save and support our Mountain Pygmy possum population.

Mountain pygmy possums that survived last summer’s bushfires in Kosciuszko National Park now face a dire food shortage. These critically endangered marsupials need to fatten up on insects and fruit during summer in preparation for their winter hibernation under snow cover.

But due to the fires there hasn’t been enough natural food available.

Australia's possums and gliders Related: A guide to Australia’s possums and gliders

The New South Wales threatened species officers and volunteers have been delivering food and water weekly for the possums since the fires.

Your help is needed to support these food drops continuing into winter, and to provide long-term solutions for the species’ survival such as replanting mountain plum pines, a vital natural food resource.