Bird flu ‘panic’: Dire advice to pet owners not to release exotic birds into Aussie bush
Authorities are warning that one of Australian’s most popular pets – the rose-ringed parakeet – could become our next “extreme” pest.
Authorities are warning that one of Australian’s most popular pets – the rose-ringed parakeet – could become our next “extreme” pest.
On the bustling Sunshine Coast, the Noosa Everglades offer a pocket of serenity.
One of Australia’s smallest and most endangered bird species is needing help to survive its harsh environment.
This patch of remnant bush on the edge of the West Australian wheatbelt is a place loved by one of Australia’s rarest bird species and the man who has studied the site for more than 50 years.
Indigenous rangers in outback Western Australia have found up to 50 night parrots – one of Australia’s most elusive birds – in a “breakthrough discovery”.
The chance discovery of an eagle nest leads to an extended vigil observing normally hidden behaviours of one of nature’s supreme winged marvels.
A coastal emu nest has been discovered on the NSW North Coast, where the population of the endangered species is estimated at fewer than 40 individuals.
The birds that fill our mornings with songs and our parks and gardens with colour are disappearing from our cities, a new study has found.
Northern Australia’s Gouldian finch survives in huge numbers in cages around the world, but its wild population continues to struggle.
As the natural world continues to take a hit from climate change, biodiversity loss and other human-induced changes, the Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year (AGNPOTY) competition reminds us, yet again, of the beauty and inspiration that surrounds us.