
Tag: birdscientist

The truth about bird feeding: Darryl Jones (Rebroadcast)

Talking Australia
The truth about bird feeding: Darryl Jones (Rebroadcast)
Darryl Jones is a bird scientist who opened up the debate about bird feeding in Australia. He went from anti-bird-feeder to becoming a responsible voice for an activity a large number of Australians enjoy doing. He is also loves colourful Hawaiian shirts and is a real treat to talk to. On this episode he says why feeding birds isn’t as bad as we were told if done right and what to look out for. His newest book “Feeding the birds at your table” is a courageous step forward to approaching a topic that has been deemed highly contagious. This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Angela Heathcote (Digital Producer at Australian Geographic) and produced by Ben Kanthak ( You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic

The truth about bird feeding: Darryl Jones

Talking Australia
The truth about bird feeding: Darryl Jones
Darryl Jones is a bird scientist who opened up the debate about bird feeding in Australia. He went from anti-bird-feeder to becoming a responsible voice for an activity a large number of Australians enjoy doing. He is also loves colourful Hawaiian shirts and is a real treat to talk to. On this episode he says why feeding birds isn’t as bad as we were told if done right and what to look out for. His newest book “Feeding the birds at your table” is a courageous step forward to approaching a topic that has been deemed highly contagious. This Episode of Talking Australia is hosted by Angela Heathcote (Digital Producer at Australian Geographic) and produced by Ben Kanthak ( You can also follow us on Instagram @australiangeographic