CSIRO names new species of fly after RuPaul
We can see the resemblance between RuPaul and Opaluma rupaul.
We can see the resemblance between RuPaul and Opaluma rupaul.
Australia’s Parkes radio telescope, affectionately dubbed the Dish, is about to play a new lead role in moon exploration.
The name Murriyang means ‘Skyworld’ in the Wiradjuri language.
Understanding a bat’s immune system and replicating it in humans may just prevent disease outbreaks in the future.
This incredible video of a surprise squid attack was captured from a CSIRO research vessel earlier this year.
This broadnose sevengill shark couldn’t have washed ashore at a more appropriate location, and will now be used to assist with research and conservation.
The new State of the Climate report outlines Australia’s rising temperatures and its regional rainfall declines – and the trends that are locked in for the coming few decades due to greenhouse emissions.
CSIRO is building FAST, a 500m-diameter radio telescope, in China using cutting edge technology.
It might not sound like the best music in the world, but Australia was the first by a matter of months at playing a tune on a computer.