Killer cat stats
A crunching of the numbers reveals some extremely sobering facts about the carnage caused by feral cats in Australia.
A crunching of the numbers reveals some extremely sobering facts about the carnage caused by feral cats in Australia.
Today, all traces of where inhabitants once lived now lie beneath the waves.
Amazingly, some people can manufacture alcohol inside their body from the food they eat – carbohydrates, to be specific. Some do it so well, they can raise their blood alcohol level to eight times the legal driving limit!
Surprisingly, rotting fruit can ferment and reach a level of 4 per cent alcohol – close to, but not quite, the 5 per cent of beer.
Although they’ve been around for millennia, atmospheric rivers were only discovered by humans during the past 25 years.
Here, Dr Karl explains the number one problem facing our Great Barrier Reef: coral bleaching caused by climate change.
There are about 120 different possible tides each day. There are tides that happen once a day, twice a day, three times a day, four times a day, and so on.
The phrase ‘world’s largest monolith’ makes a nice story for tourists visiting Australia’s iconic Uluru. Just don’t say it near a geologist.
Dr Karl uncovers the curious hidden meanings behind your dog’s tail wagging.
Dr Karl investigates the growing global trend of heat waves, which have killed more Australians than all other natural disasters combined.