The little Aussie mouse surviving against all odds
Researchers once worried the native smoky mouse was at threat of local extinction, but the population of these tiny troopers persists.
Researchers once worried the native smoky mouse was at threat of local extinction, but the population of these tiny troopers persists.
Help Project Numbat fund research and predator-control programs to protect WA’s faunal emblem.
Two critically endangered sea snakes previously thought to be extinct have been spotted off the WA coast.
A group of numbat lovers has come to the rare marsupial’s rescue in a pocket of south-western WA.
In 2015, a record $212,199 was raised for conservation through our six annual fundraisers in 2015. This is great news for these six endangered Australian species. We couldn’t have done it without AG supporters and subscribers, so thank you!
This year, you’ve helped us raise a record $211,749 for conservation.
Recent bushfires in WA have threatened the survival prospects of the critically endangered Gilbert’s potoroo.
Known in only two populations located are over 30km apart, the Nangur spiny skink is at risk from habitat destruction and feral animals.
Jasmine Vink was lucky enough to come across this peppered tree frog (Litoria piperata), a critically endangered species found in northern New South Wales.