Humans didn’t cause devil disease, study finds
Genes are to blame for the disease that has wiped out much of the Tasmanian devil population, researchers say.
Genes are to blame for the disease that has wiped out much of the Tasmanian devil population, researchers say.
A white kiwi, only the third of its kind in captivity, has hatched at a nature reserve on NZ’s North Island.
Healesville Sanctuary’s innovative breeding program is giving hope to five unique alpine species.
Healesville Sanctuary’s innovative breeding program is giving hope to five unique alpine species.
Australia is home to some unique critters, but it also has one of the highest extinction rates in the world.
The call is out for bird spotters to ID the habitats of endangered regent parrots in Australia’s southern and eastern states.
The call is out for bird spotters to ID the habitats of endangered regent parrots in Australia’s southern and eastern states.
A pair of critically endangered northern hairy-nosed wombats have been born at a Queensland refuge.
Native species of birds and mammals endemic to WA may be wiped out from raging bushfires in the region.
In a world first, Perth zoo will release a zoo-bred male orangutan in the jungle of Indonesia to help save the species.