The extraordinary survival story of the black robin
This is the black robin of New Zealand, a formidable little nugget that has set new standards for how we save the world’s most endangered birds from the brink of extinction.
This is the black robin of New Zealand, a formidable little nugget that has set new standards for how we save the world’s most endangered birds from the brink of extinction.
During 60 million years of isolation, a host of unusual birds evolved in New Zealand, many of which are now extinct or endangered.
Soon after it became a British colony, New Zealand began shipping the worst of its offenders across the Tasman Sea.
An international team has discovered extreme underground conditions at New Zealand’s Alpine Fault, which is due to rupture in a major earthquake in the next few decades.
A national icon in New Zealand, tuatara are the only living example of a reptile group that was widespread 60-240 million years ago.
These New Zealand parrots are the first birds to demonstrate ‘contagious’ positive emotions – just like how humans can make each other laugh.
New Zealand’s Heaphy Track packs so much into its 74.8km length it’s surprising more walkers don’t put it at the top of their list
If you’re looking for a trek that takes in stunning mountain scenery, as well as lakes, rivers, waterfalls, dense forest and coastline – without the hard slog – then New Zealand’s Hollyford Track should be on your list.
You don’t have to travel to far-flung places to paddle something new. As the winners of the 2015 The North Face Adventure Grant found, sometimes you can find virgin waterways in your own backyard.
Possums, rats and stoats to be targeted in world-first large-scale pest eradication program across the ditch.