Australia is home to seven species of lorikeet, of which the rainbow lorikeet is the best known.
Ants are becoming a popular way for scientists to monitor land managements, as the insect is reactive to changes to the ecosystem.
Quolls are some of Australasia’s feistiest carnivorous mammals.
An expedition by helicopter to an isolated mountain plateau on the Cape York Peninsula resulted in the discovery of a whole new ecosystem.
The organisms that we’re now discovering are often more hidden and more difficult to catch than ever before.
Its mantle of fame spread by Charles Darwin and his generations of scientific followers, the Galápagos archipelago is a fascinating place to visit, with plenty that’s surprising.
New research disentangles the role Australia played in the evolution of songbirds.
How the thorny devil takes “flat out like a lizard drinking” to the extreme.
The Earth is full of many varied species from the largest mammals to the tiniest organisms. But we now think there could be ten times more species than was originally thought.