Serious sea smarts
Octopuses are sparking innovation and inspiring us in ways we never thought possible.
Octopuses are sparking innovation and inspiring us in ways we never thought possible.
Summer is a wonderful time for families to go the beach and for small children to get to know the water and the sand. But aside from being a place to relax, the beach provides many ways to teach young children about science.
Researchers find It can pay to look after nature with each visit to a national park saving the health system almost $100.
Authorities are warning that one of Australian’s most popular pets – the rose-ringed parakeet – could become our next “extreme” pest.
Lunar animal research is receiving the technological and methodological breakthroughs necessary for the next wave of intriguing findings.
In a world-first, CSIRO scientists have developed a soft robotic ‘hand’ to assist coral propagation efforts in laboratories.
It’s difficult to locate an animal small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. But these Monash University researchers gave everything to their search – and found not one, but 23 critically-endangered long sunskinks.
The fight is on to stop one of Australia’s smallest but most aggressive invasive species.
The recent COP16 biodiversity conference in Colombia was a chance to check on targets aimed at rescuing the world’s threatened plants and animals. There were some successes but, ultimately, it did not deliver all that was hoped for, writes Dr James Fitzsimons.
Researchers from Sydney’s Macquarie University have discovered cane toad tadpoles are cannibalistic and can help stop the spread of their fellow toads if they remain in their pre-metamorphosis state.