Star trail: Mosquito Creek, Lake Eppalock, VIC.
720 x 60 sec, ISO800, f4.5. D7000, Nikkor 10-24
Star trail: Ravenswood, VIC.
1030 x 30 sec, ISO2500, f3.5. D7000, Nikkor 10-24.
Star trail: Lake Eppalock spillway, VIC.
250 x 60 sec, ISO800, f2.8. D3100, Nikkor 10.5 fisheye.
Star trails: Kimbolton reserve, Lake Eppalock, VIC.
720 x 40 sec, ISO1250, f2.8. D7000, Tokina 11-16.
300 x 60sec, ISO400, f4. Nikon D3100, Nikkor 10-24.
Star trail: Lake Eppalock, VIC.
240 x 90 sec, f3.5, ISO1000. Nikon D7000, Nikkor 10-24.
Star trail: Derrinal Pool, VIC.
450 x 50 sec, ISO1600, f2.8. D7000, Nikkor 10.5 fisheye.
420 x 60 sec, ISO800, f3.5. D3100, Nikkor 10.5 fisheye.
Star trail: Lake Eppalock Spillway, VIC.
200 x 90 sec, iso1000, f4.5. D7000, Nikkor 10-24.
Star trail: Kimbolton reserve, Lake Eppalock, VIC.
275 x 60sec, ISO1000, f2.8. D7000, Tokina 11-16.
Star trail: Twin Rivers, VIC.
240 x 40sec, ISO1600, f2.8. D7000, Tokina 11-16.
300 x 40sec, ISO1600, f3.5. D7000, Nikkor 10-24.
Star trail: Derrinal pool. VIC.
318 x 50sec, ISO1600, f2.8. D7000, Tokina 11-16.
240 x 30 sec, ISO2000, f2.8. D7000. Tokina 11-16.
Star trail: Twin Rivers, Lake Eppalock, VIC.
310 x 45 sec, ISO2000, f3.5. D7000, Nikkor 10-24.
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