A cloud of volcanic matter rises from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano, Iceland as it erupts on 17 April 2010.
The eruption results in a plume of volcanic ash being thrown into the atmosphere over parts of Northern Europe.
When the volcano, 120 km east of the capital, Reykjavik, reportedly sent lava 100 m into the air.
Volcanic lightning results from static electricity as lava bombs, rocks and other ejecta are propelled by the eruption.
The farm of Olafur Eggertsson, near Eyjafjallajokull, stands on a backdrop of volcanic smoke and ash.
Thousands of flights across Europe are cancelled due to particles of rock, glass and sand in the ash cloud, that could prove hazardous to aircraft engines.
Fears for local agriculture increase as volcanic matter continues to billow over Iceland.
Daylight is blocked and ash settles over an evacuated farm near Porvaldseyri. Hundreds of residents are evacuated.
Lightning, visible within the cloud, threatens local livestock within a 30-40 km radius as it continues to strike.
According to a flight report from the Coast Guard, Reykjavik Airport could easily fit into the main crater, it is of such enormous proportions.
Icelandic authorities reportedly do a tremendous job at ensuring the safety and well-being of local residents, tourists and livestock.
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