Video: Where do eagles dare?

By AG STAFF 28 February 2014
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Watch the trailer to Simon Cherriman’s new documentary about wedge-tailed eagles

Due for release in late 2014, Where Do Eagles Dare? is a one-hour documentary film tells the story of a world-first research project to satellite tag wedge-tailed eagles and follow their movements as the travelled across Australia at altitudes of up to 3000m.

Australian Geographic Society funded researcher Simon Cherriman says, “In June 2013 I fulfilled a boyhood dream and tagged two adult wedge-tailed Eagles with GPS/Satellite Transmitters to follow their movements.” Learn more at

Simon is a naturalist, photographer and filmmaker. Keep an eye on Australian Geographic for more updates on the release and screenings of this film later in the year.

Read more about eagles in the Mar/Apr issue of Australian Geographic.